Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Iowa Law Enforcement Academy Handgun In-Service Qualification

I am told that the following is the new minimum shooting requirement for CCW Permit qualification in Iowa.


Pistol, Revolver, Off-Duty Weapons, Backup/Secondary Weapons, HR218 Minimum Qualification, 80%, 50 Rounds, Target FBI "Q"

3 Yard Stage:

6 Rounds: Strong hand only. 2 strings of 3 rounds. 3 seconds per string. On command, shooter draws and fires 2 strings of 3 rounds each in 3 seconds, strong hand only, holstering after each string.
6 Rounds: 3 rounds strong hand only and 3 rounds support hand; 8 seconds total. On command, shooter draws and fires 3 rounds strong hand only and 3 rounds support hand only in 8 seconds.

5 Yard Stage:

12 Rounds: On command, shooter draws and fires 4 strings of 3 rounds in 3 seconds; holstering after each string. Two hand shooting.

7 Yard Stage:

8 Rounds: 2 strings of 4 rounds; 4 seconds per string. On command, shooter draws and fires 2 strings of 4 rounds in 4 seconds, holstering after each string. Two hand shooting.
8 Rounds: 4 rounds - reload - 4 rounds; 8 seconds total. On command, shooter draws and fires 4 rounds, combat reloads and fires four rounds in 8 seconds. Two hand shooting.

15 Yard Stage:

6 Rounds: 2 strings of 3 rounds; 6 seconds per string. On command, shooter draws and fires 2 strings of 3 rounds in 6 seconds, holstering after each string. Two hand shooting.

25 Yard Stage:

4 Rounds: 2 rounds standing and 2 rounds kneeling barricade; 15 seconds total time. Shooter starts standing away from the barricade. On command, shooter draws and moves to cover behind barricade, fires 2 rounds standing barricade and 2 rounds kneeling barricade. Two hand shooting.

Scoring: 2 points per hit; total possible - 100 points.


I am told that the 25 Yard Stage is not new for law enforcement, but is a new requirement for civilia
ns wishing to qualify for CCW Permits.

I strongly support all of our local law enforcement agencies, yet as a law-abiding citizen, it leaves me with a conundrum: As everybody knows, when seconds count, law enforcement is only minutes away.

Iowa's state motto - "Our Liberties We Prize and Our Rights We Will Maintain" - is becoming only an empty slogan.

37 states issue concealed handgun permits on a “shall issue” basis – meaning you either qualify, or you don’t based upon objective criteria. While Iowa has a minimum standard it requires CCW Permit holders to meet, it allows the local sheriff of each county to arbitrarily tighten those restrictions should they choose to do so for any reason - real or imagined. In other words, Iowa stands alone in the Midwest in allowing Sheriffs to arbitrarily deny concealed handgun permits to law-abiding, "clean" citizens.

(See Radio Iowa article: Sheriffs across Iowa have objected to any possibility of loosening their grip on the ability to deny permits to anyone.)

I am 100% in support of some form of classes and shooting competency/proficiency test for a CCW Permit. I do not want to have someone decide to shoot a bad guy at a restaurant and accidentally kill one of my kids in the process. However, by their own law-enforcement statistics, the average gunfight takes place at a range of 10 feet or less, so the question arises in my mind: Why would a qualification include shooting at 75 feet? 75 feet would most likely place you outside of most restaurant or businesses in Iowa, or several car lengths away.

At this moment, I honestly question whether it has more to do with the power to add more restrictions than about safety or competency - though I'd be very willing to listen to a reasoned explanation with statistical evidence. Unlike the unspoken suggestion made by increasing the restrictions, many of us who love our law-enforcement friends are capable of understanding the facts when presented, and believe that the facts and our personal rights are compatible.

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